Mysteries Around The World!
      The universe is filled with mysteries we can't explain. As we continue to grow in our scientific knowledge of the planet, there's still so much of the universe that is a mystery to us and needs explaining. Mankind can be humbled and inspired by these naturally occurring unexplained phenomena, that leave even our best scientists scratching their heads and looking for answers.

   Here's Some Of God's Teasers. Enjoy! :)
Shangrala's Mysteries Around The World
      The Hum: This phenomenon, reported worldwide, is a low-frequency hum or droning sound, unexplained by science. The source of this noise remains unknown but fortunately only 2% of the world are able to hear it.

Shangrala's Mysteries Around The World
      Synchronized Firefly Light: A species of glowing beetles known as Synchronous fireflies, indigenous to Tennessee's Great Smokey Mountains, are a rare and striking sight. They have the unique ability to synchronize their blinking. Just how they are able to do this is still a mystery.

Shangrala's Mysteries Around The World
      Naga Fireballs: An occurrence in both Thailand and Laos, there are reports of glowing red orbs that rise from the famous Mekong River. Several thousand fireballs supposedly rise a few hundred meters high, and then disappear. A case that defies explanation.

Shangrala's Mysteries Around The World
      Singing Whales: Did you know that humpback whales have a unique talent? They can sing and can even teach each other songs. It was once considered part of the mating ritual but that myth has been debunked, and the phenomena remains unexplained. Males engage in it more than the females and it's a mystery as to why but it has been noted that when a male humpback moves someplace new, he changes his song to match those coming from other nearby whales.

Shangrala's Mysteries Around The World
      The Silent Zone: There's an area in the Chihuahuan desert in northern Mexico where radio signals don't work, and compasses spin out of control when placed near stones on the ground. Outside Durango, Mexico the Mapimi Silent Zone is distinguished for its utter lack of noise. This bizarre silent area is also noted for its ability to attract things meant for the sky such as Apollo boosters and meteorites.

Shangrala's Mysteries Around The World
      Bigfoot, Sasquatch And The Yeti: A fan favorite among conspiracy theory enthusiasts, this persistent myth of a recluse giant ape species has many sightings. Sasquatch stories go back centuries. Tales of mythical giant apes lurk in the oral traditions of most Native American tribes, as well as in Europe and Asia. Scientists remain skeptical due to a lack of physical proof.

      Shangrala's Mysteries Around The World
      Cats Purring: No one knows for sure why a domestic cat purrs, but many people interpret the sound as one of contentment. Our understanding of how a domestic cat purrs is becoming more complete; most scientists agree that the larynx (voice box), laryngeal muscles, and a neural oscillator are involved. However, their pastime of purring seems to baffle professionals. While most people think of it as a sign of a happy cat, cats purr at other times such as when petted, eating or even giving birth or when it is injured and in pain.

Shangrala's Mysteries Around The World
      Like manna from heaven, creatures falling from the sky seems like a thing of fantasy or divinity, but reports in Mexico as recent as 2017 say otherwise. The director of civil protection in Tamaulipas state confirmed reports that several fish fell from the sky during a light rain. And as it turns out, the phenomenon isn't exactly unprecedented. During a large storm Ethiopians enjoyed a rainfall of thousands of fish, while scientists speculate the power of the wind was at play, it's still pretty phenomenal.

Shangrala's Mysteries Around The World
      Suicidal Whales: While it is known that there are many cases of beached whales, what is often not mentioned is that there is evidence that these whales are doing it on purpose. While we have no clue why whales are suicidal, it seems likely to continue since this evolutionary phenomenon has been documented for thousands of years.

Shangrala's Mysteries Around The World
      The Loch Ness Monster: Affectionetly called Nessie by the locals, much like Sasquatch, there is little proof that this infamous water creature even exists. Attracting thousands of visitors and amateur documentarians, this legendary Scottish loch continues to mystify with its purported inhabitants.

Shangrala's Mysteries Around The World
      Earthquake Light: For centuries, people have noted luminous activity in the sky before volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. There's much speculation as to why these two unrelated disasters emit the same striking light effect. This century old occurrence was first captured on film in the 1960s. Ever since then scientists have been working on finding a reason why.

Shangrala's Mysteries Around The World
      Fairy Circles: A phenomenon unique to the grasslands of southern Africa, decorating the landscape en masse these large circular areas feature no plantlife and are encircled by grass. These circles form mysteriously with diameters as large as 15 meters and continue to stump the scientific community. Studies suggest that a sand termite might be responsible for their creation. But it is still a mystery.

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SEE ALSO: Mysteries Around The World 2!


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Special THANKS Goes To LOUISE AUSTIN For Sharing This With Us.

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