The gray wolf, red wolf, and the maned wolf are all
on the U.S. Endangered Species List.

Here are some pictures of these beautiful animals. Enjoy! :)
Shangrala's Endangered Wolf
Until recent measures to protect their habitat, these
animals had been trapped and hunted almost to extinction.

Shangrala's Endangered Wolf
Red wolves are presumed to be extinct in the wild

Shangrala's Endangered Wolf
Wolves in the wild mostly feed on large animals,
such as deer and moose, but they have been known
to sometimes also eat berries and insects

Shangrala's Endangered Wolf
The gray wolf is also known as the timber wolf

Shangrala's Endangered Wolf
Male wolves are usually larger than the females,
and can weigh up to 50 to 100 pounds (23 to 46 kg)

Shangrala's Endangered Wolf
The gray wolf mates for life

Shangrala's Endangered Wolf
The range of the maned wolf includes Argentina,
Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay

Shangrala's Endangered Wolf
Wolves generally hunt after sundown

Shangrala's Endangered Wolf
A wolf pack is generally the 2 primary parents and their
offspring from the last couple of years. The pack can vary
in number from 6-8 to as many as 30 wolves, or more

Shangrala's Endangered Wolf
A wolf howl can last anywhere from 3 to 11 seconds...

Shangrala's Endangered Wolf
When a wolf becomes separated from his pack, it howls...

Shangrala's Endangered Wolf

The other members of his pack respond,
giving him a sound to guide him home.

Shangrala's Endangered Wolf

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SEE ALSO: Beautiful Wolves!


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SPECIAL THANKS Goes To JO ANN COWART For Sharing This With Us.

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