Life has a way of surprising us when we least expect it. Sometimes, it's the little coincidences that leave us in awe, wondering how on earth such things could line up so perfectly. The forces of good and evil are often invisible to us as we go about our daily lives. However, every once in a while it's like our pause button is hit and we can see a moment so bizarre, it feels like it's straight out of a movie.
      This is a collection of some of these most unbelievable coincidences leaving us in total wonder.

      Moments Orchestrated By God Himself. Enjoy! :)
Shangrala's What Are The Odds

Shangrala's What Are The Odds
      In Palermo (Italy), A citizen went to the police station to return a credit card found on the street. Within minutes the policemen were able to trace the identity of the card holder: Harrison Ford.

Shangrala's What Are The Odds
      A photographer is awed by capturing the exact moment a rainbow deflects lightning.

Shangrala's What Are The Odds
      Photographer Prasenjeet Yadav gets blessed with a one in a lifetime shot of a meteor!

Shangrala's What Are The Odds
      This photographer was blessed by capturing them fitting perfectly together!

Shangrala's What Are The Odds
      Debbie P is thrilled when she gets a photograph at the exact moment lightning strikes a tree!

Shangrala's What Are The Odds
      A couple lose their wedding ring. A snorkeller easily finds it because it is wrapped around this mullet fish off of Norfolk Island.

Shangrala's What Are The Odds
      A dragonfly swoops in and quickly eats a mosquito before it could bite!

Shangrala's What Are The Odds
      Their family photo was taken with a disposable camera on July 4th, 2001 In Bishop, CA. They were blessed with the perfect Christmas Card photo!

Shangrala's What Are The Odds
      In 1943, Ball Turret Gunner Alan Magee;s B-17 Bomber was hit by flak and began to spin out of control. He fell over four miles without a parachute before crashing through the glass roof of a railroad station. Yet, he survived the fall and lived to age 84!

Shangrala's What Are The Odds
      A fish steals the shot with a funny look at the camera!

Shangrala's What Are The Odds
      Lightning struck a vent and traveled up into a toilet during a thunderstorm - Giving them a warning not to be near it during a storm!

Shangrala's What Are The Odds
      Three perfect generations of twins!

Shangrala's What Are The Odds
      Kummakivi is An old 500,000 Kg rock in Finland that has been balancing on top of another rock for 11,000 years - showing all things are possible.

Shangrala's What Are The Odds
      Eagles are caught resting on the seattle waterfront blessing the photographer!

Shangrala's What Are The Odds
      A little humor at play using a spider with it's web placed perfectly.

Shangrala's What Are The Odds
      They'll never kick a ball higher in their life!

Shangrala's What Are The Odds
      This is William West And William West. They are the reason fingerprints were first used to identify criminals because they were not related at all, but shared the same exact name and looked identical to one another.

Shangrala's What Are The Odds

Shangrala's What Are The Odds
      You can tell this car was protected by prayer.

Can You Guess Who The
Orchestrator Is In Each Of These?

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SEE ALSO: Creation Vs Coincidence!


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