The judges of the Siena International Photo Awards had the unenviable task of sifting through no less than 48,000 submissions from 156 countries. Nevertheless, the results are in, and the 20 submissions you're about to see below are some of the very best entries. Enjoy! :)

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
El Calbuco, Chile
1st Place - Beauty Of The Nature
      This photo was taken during a violent eruption of Mount Calbuco, a volcano located in the Lagos region of Chile.

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
Arctic Fox, USA
3rd Place - Animals In Their Environment
      It took the photographer two hours of patient waiting before this female Arctic fox would allow him to get close enough to take this picture.

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
Sharing Emotion
Remarkable Award - Fascinating Faces And Characters

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
Rhino Silhouette, Kenya
Honorable Mention - Animals In Their Environment
      An early-morning search for the Great Migration led to the photographer coming across the lone rhino you see above.

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
Cosmic Wildflowers, Brazil
Honorable Mention - Beauty Of Nature
      A 180 degree panorama combined with the Milky Way in the background magnifies a field of Paepalanthus wildflowers in the Veadeiros Tablelands national park.

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
Underwater View Of The Lofoten Winter
Remarkable Award - Beauty Of The Nature
      A settlement on the Norwegian archipelago of Lofoten is captured from an unusual angle.

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
Nemo In The House
Remarkable Award - Animals In Their Environment
      Looks like Nemo was found after all! Location unknown.

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
Toy Houses, Russia
1st Place - Architecture & Urban Spaces
      The color contrast between the dachas of Arkhangelsk and the white snow that envelops them is intense.

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
The Wave, Antarctica Waters
3rd Place - Journeys And Adventures
      A 40-foot wave pounds a ship's bow as it navigates Drake Passage - between Cape Horn and Antarctica.

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
Camels In The Desert, Mongolia
2nd Place - General Color
      A Mongolian man, together with his dog and his camels, make their hasty way through the desert.

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
Jump, Canada
Honorable Mention - Animals In Their Environment
      A snowy owl takes flight after being alarmed by the call of a fellow female.

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
Love On The Rocks
Remarkable Award - Animals In Their Environment
      Two snow leopards show affection toward each other. Location unknown.

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
Mind The Gap, Antarctica
Honorable Mention - Animals In Their Environment
      A group of Emperor penguins huddles together near a crack in an ice flow in an area of the Antarctic known as the Ross Sea.

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
Killer Whale In Polar Night, Norway
Honorable Mention - Animals In Their Environment
      A killer whale emerges from the depths during a polar night in the Arctic.

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
The Road Of Fortune, Vietnam
Honorable Mention - Splash of Colors
      Red is the color of good luck in Vietnam, and Joss sticks are offered at altars for good business and good fortune.

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
Remarkable Award - Fascinating Faces And Characters
      An elderly Japanese couple enjoy a movie together on a smartphone.

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
The Beakful Of The Hoopoe, Italy
Honorable Mention - Animals In Their Environment
      The photographer saw this hoopoe feeding one of its young at the very last minute but still managed to capture this superb image.

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
Little Nenets Nedko, Russia
Honorable Mention - Journeys and Adventures
      People in the Far North of the world still have very close ties to nature, as is evidenced in this picture.

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
Flying On The Beach, The Netherlands
Honorable Mention - General Color
      Although he was actually trying to get comfortable in the cold water, the photographer managed to capture this shot just as the dog was about to grab the frisbee.

Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
Kid With Hand Crafts, Ethiopia
1st Place - Fascinating Faces And Characters
      A boy from the Suri tribe is pictured between the metallically-bound arms of his mother.
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Shangrala's Siena Photo Awards
And Bless All Your Friends! :)

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SEE ALSO: Beautiful Photo Winners!


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