Life Gives Us Some
Great Up Close And Personal Moments!

Here's Just A few More Of Them! Enjoy! :)
Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Shangrala's Up Close And Personal 6

Just When You Thought
God Wasn't Paying Any Attention To You...
Shangrala's Up Close And Personal
There He Is Looking Down On You!




SEE ALSO: Up Close And Personal 7!


For those of you who Want More FUN - Visit The Shangy Fun List! Variety is the
spice of life! The Shangy Fun List is an ezine packed full of Poems, Inspirational and
Heart Warming Stories. Jokes from G to slightly R, and Anything else that just
might make you SMILE! Join In The Free FUN!! ... :)

Yes! Click Here To GO TO THE ARCHIVES!-


Like This Page?

If you are looking for more, here are some good places to start:

More Animation!
Bear Rescue 3!-
Crocodile Man!-
A Little Froggy!-
Animal Friends!-
Sweet Humanity!-
Lioness And Fox!-
Awww Animals 9!-
Rescued Raccoon!-
Dog Rescue Stories!-
Got A Nanosecond?-
Breeze And Buttons!-
Albino Hummingbird!-
Beautiful Exotic Birds!-
Animals And Windows!-
Adorable Animal Selfies!-
Up Close And Personal 5!-
Sweet Animals With Flowers!-
Friends: Lion, Tiger, And Bear!-
In The Wild With Brendon Cremer!-
Animated A-Z Images!-



Special THANKS Goes To LINDA And PAT DE ESPOSITO For Sharing This With Us.

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a trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation.
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