Welcome, come on in! Crop circles have always intrigued me and I bet Sherlock Holmes would of been investigating them too had they been around during his life time. The earliest ones were discovered in the 70's. They are geometrical formations of flattened crops found in England and around the world. They've been found in fields of wheat, barley, rye, corn, linseed and soy. To date some 10,000 crop circles have been catalogued worldwide, and their features continue to be mostly the same. The plants are bent an inch above soil and gently laid down in geometrically precise patterns with no physical signs of damage. The crops can continue to grow.

It's a mystery as to who is making these. Two men came forward and said they were making them by using wood planks and string. Some people still believe they are being made by UFO's or aliens. Whether they come from out of this world or are the result of hoaxers with too much time on their hands, one thing is for certain. They are very large, elaborate, beautiful works of art. Here for your viewing pleasure are a few documented crop circles as seen from above. :) Enjoy!

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery

Shangrala's Crop Circle Mystery




SEE ALSO: Crop Circles 2009!


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A-Z Animated Pictures!-



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