Here's MORE every day people going that extra mile to make a difference. Ultimately
their thoughtfulness makes our world a much better place. Enjoy! :)
These kids in Canada tied costs to street poles to help the homeless
prepare for winter.
An anonymous spiderman feeds the homeless at night - Showing everyone can be a hero.
Hungarians bring shoes to the Budapest train station for arriving migrants.
A baby deer refuses to leave the human who saved her life.
This soaked dad protecting his schoolboy from rain shows what parenting with love is.
This 9-year-old builds a shelter for the homeless and grows food for them too.
A 92-year-old meets her 2-day-old great-grand daughter for the first time.
This 80-year-old man builds a dog train to take rescued dogs on adventures.
A bride's dad stops her wedding to invite her stepfather to walk down the
aisle with them.
Quincy has been waiting all week to show the garbage men his garbage truck, but in the moment he was overwelmed
in the presence of his heroes.
A barber goes the extra mile to conquer an Autistic boy's fear of haircuts.
An unwanted cat becomes this little boy's guardian following him everywhere.
This 8-year-old boy was bullied for 2 years while growing
his hair long to make wigs for kids with cancer.
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