Photographers from the north of Botswana, Africa thought they were about to see a vicious attack when they saw a lioness come upon a baby baboon.
      Nature photographers Evan Schiller and Lisa Holzworth witnessed an amazing and rare spectacle while they were in the nature reserve one day. Fortunately, they were able to document the event in a series of spectacular images.

      Here's Their Amazing Story With Photos. Enjoy! :)
Shangrala's Lioness And Baboon
      Lions are extremely efficient predators. It all began when a lioness attacked a band of baboons, catching and killing a female baboon while doing so.
      However, it soon became obvious that the baboon female was not alone; her little baby still clung tightly to her body.

Shangrala's Lioness And Baboon
      The baby cub tried to escape as he ran toward a tree to climb it. But he was way too small and weak to be able to climb high enough.

Shangrala's Lioness And Baboon
      That was when the lioness turned her attention to him. The photographers who witnessed the spectacle were afraid of the worst to happend: that the lioness would devour the little baboon right on the spot.

Shangrala's Lioness And Baboon
      But instead, a miracle happened. The lioness walked slowly and gently towards the baby. Within a few minutes she began a friendly interaction with him, calming the little one's fear.

Shangrala's Lioness And Baboon
      The amazing lioness delicately picked up the baboon with her mouth and took it with her. Moments later, the two of them cuddled up together.

Shangrala's Lioness And Baboon
      The baboon pup seemed to adopt the lioness as his new mother, and the lioness's maternal instinct began to work.

Shangrala's Lioness And Baboon
      However, moments later, a male lion arrived. The female was quick to defend the baby and immediately jumped up and roared at him to get him away!

Shangrala's Lioness And Baboon
      During the lions commotion, the baby baboon's dad, who had been watching and waiting from the top of the tree, swooped in. Dad to the rescue! He grabbed up his little cub, and quickly climbed back up to safety.

Shangrala's Lioness And Baboon
      Amazing! At first he was rescued by the lioness, and then by his brave dad! It seems God was looking out after this little baboon that day!
      The whole event is simply astonishing - from the friendliness of the lioness towards a helpless little baby baboon, to the courageous dad who descended heroically and rescued him at the end.

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SEE ALSO: Lioness And Fox!


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