Meet Lala, an adorable King penguin who was a part of a Japanese family for years.
The family found the poor penguin caught and injured in a fishing net. They took
Lala in and nurtured him back to health.
By that time, the penguin had gotten too attached to the family and didn't want to
leave them, so the decision was made to keep him and to make sure he would have
a comfortable life in a suitable condition for penguins.
A documentary was made about him in 1996 when Lala was around 10 years old.
Sadly, Lala has already passed away but the memory of him is still alive today.
Here's Some Cute Photos Of Lala The Penguin. Enjoy! :)
Back in the day, Lala the King penguin spent his days living in an air-conditioned
room and roamed around the streets of his town.
After the family took him to the market for the first time, Lala kept going back.
So the family made a decision to put a tiny backpack on him and taught Lala to get
fish from the market on his own.
It must have been quite a sight for the villagers seeing the penguin waddling around with his tiny
penguin backpack!
Lala was such a peculiar and cute pet that journalists from around the world
were trying to interview the family. That was when the documentary of him was done.