God Has Been Gaining Man's
Awe And Respect Since Man Began.

When God Paints, People Stop And Take Notice! Enjoy! :)
Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Line of building towers flanking from a thunderstorm.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Sun setting behind cumulus clouds.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Cloud to cloud to ground lightning.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Mammatus "clouds boiling upside down", on top of a
flanking down draft. Also known as mammatocumulus
meaning "mammary cloud", iss a meteorological term
applied to a cellular pattern of pouches hanging
underneath the base of a cloud.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Massive single cell severe tornadic thunderstorm.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Downdraft of precipitation from a young
cumulonimbus cloud. The initial downrush happening
as the rest of cell is still forming and building.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Leading edge of a flanking downdraft of a thunderstorm.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Another great mammatus - extremely unstable air.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Sunset on dissipating thunderstorms. Could have
two cells rotating in opposite directions, rare, but
meteorologically possible, like two egg beaters.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Sunset dissipating thunderstorm.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Volcanic eruption creating a circular outflow boundary.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Somewhat disorganized or dissipating
thunderstorm. Most of it already downward
collapsed with the rain shield being dominant.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Single cell thunderstorm with cloud to ground
and cloud to cloud lightning, some being
imbedded inside the cells.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Tornadic vortex with lightning,
multi-layer outflow boundaries.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Row of thunderstorms, and more beautiful
cloud to cloud and cloud to ground lightning.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Cloud to ground lightning in the rain
shield in dissipating thunderstorms.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Single cell "super" cell thunderstorm with mammatus.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
More great cloud to cloud and cloud to ground lightning.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Tower cumulus building into a thunderstorm.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
A tornado funnel near the ground. Probably already on
the ground, but not enough moisture or debris/dirt to
see it on the ground. Surface dirt starting the kick up.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Circular outflow boundaries with storm cell rotation.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Lowering wall cloud from mature thunderstorm.

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
Lots of cloud to ground lightning
(assuming the dark is mountains).

Shangrala's God's Night Lights
A rather large tornado on the ground.

Do You Think We Should Run And Hide,
Or Just Stop And Take A Picture?
Share These With Your Friends! :)



SEE ALSO: God's Sky Paintings 2!


For those of you who Want More FUN - Visit The Shangy Fun List! Variety is the
spice of life! The Shangy Fun List is an ezine packed full of Poems, Inspirational and
Heart Warming Stories. Jokes from G to slightly R, and Anything else that just
might make you SMILE! Join In The Free FUN!! ... :)

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Angel Falls!-
God's Paintings!-
Iceland's Volcano!-
Butchart Gardens!-
Montreal Gardens!-
God's Night Lights!-
Cano Cristales River!-
God's Most Beautiful!-
Earth In Perspective 2!-
God's Water Paintings!-
Guoliang Tunnel Road!-
God's Spring Paintings!-
Australian Fire Tornado!-
Beautiful Grand Canyon!-
Lighthouses Of The World!-
Lenticular Clouds Or UFO?-
Beautiful Galapagos Islands!-
Beautiful Monarch Butterflies!-
Northern Lights Over Teepees!-
Animated A-Z Images!-



Special THANKS Goes To PHYLLIS SMITH (Bunni) And GENIANN For Sharing This With Us.

Copyright © 1996 Netscape Communications Corporation. Mozilla is
a trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation.
Note: This is an Unofficial God, Jesus Christ, Family, & Cartoon Fan Site.
© All graphics representing Disney characters are copyrighted by Disney.
Likewise all other graphics & music Copyright © by their own Individual Artists.
I do not own any graphics on this site. If you do, please notify me and I'll give
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