Meet Tinni the dog and Sniffer the wild fox. Tinni is a Norwegian dog
that belongs to photographer Torgeir Berge of Norway. While exploring
the woods together, they came across a wild fox that Berge named Sniffer.
Although Sniffer has never been domesticated in any way,
Sniffer and Tinni became good friends. Now Berge observes Tinni and Sniffer
from a distance, and luckily for us, he captures their endearing friendship
with his camera.
Here's Some Of His Sweet Photos Of Them. Enjoy! :)
You might not believe it, but they've become the best of friends.
Yes, they are truly the BEST FRIENDS who live together in the Norwegian Forest.
Photographer Torgeir Berge is Tinni's guardian and has watched the
development of his dog's incredible relationship with this wild fox.
They met each other when Tinni was taking a walk in the woods with his
owner Torgeir Berge.
Torgeir and his writing partner Berit Helberg are planning on publishing a
book for children and adults full of fairy tales and Berge's beautiful photos.
The author and the photographer agree that some of the proceeds of the
book will be donated to an organization that combats fur practices that
harm animals like Sniffer.
As Helberg writes, "in this way we can be the voice of the animals."
One thing is abundantly clear:
Sniffer and Tinni LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH.
They love to play with one another.
And they love to rest together.
Despite the differences in breeding and social situation, the two pals
are inseparable.
They have similar interests - traipsing, jumping, stick carrying, and hanging out
with each other.
Berge explains that while Tinni and Sniffer might seem like an unlikely duo,
they are actually very much the same.
And anyone who looks at these pictures can see the affection and understanding
that they share.
If only humans could all be as kind and accepting as this pair.
Love is love. And when you're the best of friends, the rest of the world
stands still.