Have you ever wondered why you dream or what your dreams mean? Dreams can be both fascinating and baffling, which is why they have garnered attention from philosophers, artists, writers and poets for thousands of years.

Here Are More Interesting Facts About Dreams. Enjoy! :)
Shangrala's Amazing Dream Facts 2
      If you dream of boxes and aren't planning a move anytime soon, your subconscious mind may be trying to convey a message about your state of mind. In general, the presence of boxes in dreams indicates that we feel that something is hidden from us, while many boxes symbolize that you have trouble processing and containing your feelings, and therefore have to hide and even repress them. Also, an empty box usually represents a sense of disappointment.

Shangrala's Amazing Dream Facts 2
      Throughout the course of our lives we often tend to ignore what our soul tries to convey to us, and even totally separate the soul and the body. A phone ringing in a dream may indicate that some of your personality has been able to communicate with the conscious mind properly and that the time has come to understand the part of yourself you've abandoned. On the other hand, it is possible that it is an insight that can help you cope with a situation you are having trouble solving on your own. If you don't answer the phone during the dream, you probably don't want to confront the difficulties of your life at the moment.

Shangrala's Amazing Dream Facts 2
      If the image of the moon plays a significant role in your dream and doesn't appear only as a negligible part of the background, it is likely that your creative side is trying to break out. Try to understand what your passions are and what creativity is hiding inside of you. Doing so can even make your life so much better.

Shangrala's Amazing Dream Facts 2
      Just like in life, traveling on roads can be difficult or easy, and its meaning changes accordingly. The important question is what your road conditions are. Roads and paths symbolize the journey that you go through in your life: If you dream of a clear path, it means you know what you want to achieve in life and where you want to go. But if your path is vague and difficult to navigate, it is likely that your subconscious is trying to convey your uncertainty about the future.

Shangrala's Amazing Dream Facts 2
      Just as flowers often make people happy in reality, in dreams they usually attest to something good that is happening. If you see a flower blossoming in your dream, new opportunities are probably headed your way, while sprouts symbolize that you are about to see the results of a great investment. However, if a flower loses its vitality and wilts, it may indicate a chapter in your life that is coming to an end.

Shangrala's Amazing Dream Facts 2
      Dreams that include different water sources reflect your level of ambition. If you dream of a vast ocean, it may be time for you to take the initiative and not be afraid of risks, so that you can conquer bigger goals and be exposed to as many diverse opportunities in life. On the other hand, if you dream of weak currents and shallow pools, you're probably trying to take on more than you can right now.

Shangrala's Amazing Dream Facts 2
      If you dream of a car accident, you need to pay attention, especially if you are the one involved in the accident. Such a dream may indicate that you have a lot of anger about something that's bothering you and your peace of mind. You need to pause for a second and take the time to solve what is on your mind because not dealing with the issue hinders you and doesn't allow you to move forward in life. In addition, it is possible that being involved in a car accident can foretell another factor that will hold you back in life, and it's important to be aware of such an option.

Shangrala's Amazing Dream Facts 2
      When one dreams of disloyalty to their partner, it is usually a repressed feeling of guilt from everyday life, and if the dreamer themselves is the one who carries out the act of betrayal, it is likely that it's a thought that runs around in their mind but it isn't one they would act on. It is also possible that the dreamer was not completely honest with their partner, and this is the subconscious way of telling them that they don't feel at peace with the choice of hiding certain information. On the other hand, if in a dream the partner is the one who is unfaithful, the dreamer feels insecure in their relationship.

Shangrala's Amazing Dream Facts 2
      While in reality balloons appear in happy moments in our lives, their appearance in dreams may indicate different things. If you dreamed about balloons popping they probably symbolize a sense of danger about your hopes. On the other hand, balloons that fly high into the sky indicate frustration in your life that you are trying to overcome. Black balloons in a dream usually symbolize a feeling of depression about a recent event, and if balloon dreams repeat, it may be time to change your way of looking at and interpreting different situations in your life.

Shangrala's Amazing Dream Facts 2
      Dreaming about a dead animal may indicate thoughts that disturb your peace of mind on a daily basis; a sense of detachment from reality, a sense of control over life or the loss of an innocent part that existed in you in the past. Since animal life is very meaningful, a dream involving death can hint at the end of something that is very important to you, or a sense of detachment from the reality in which you have lived until now. In addition, if you dreamed about killing an animal, it may represent that you have acquired the skills needed to control what intrigues you in your life, but you aren't yet ready to take the final step to complete the task.

Shangrala's Amazing Dream Facts 2
      When you look at your reflection while dreaming, it indicates that you have to find out who you really are, regardless of your appearance. You must pay attention to the person who dwells within you - your soul. You need to learn to take advantage of your good qualities in order to correct the flaws that prevent you from developing, and for that, you need to understand what obstacles are in your way. If you look in a mirror or a source of water and you don't see your reflection looking back at you, you probably feel you've lost yourself.

Shangrala's Amazing Dream Facts 2
      Babies symbolize creativity hidden deep within you, which seeks to break out and become an inseparable part of your skills. In the wake of a dream in which babies appear, it is important that you find a hobby that will allow you to express your wonderful talent, which you can share with others around you. However, babies may appear in your dream because your immediate environment requires more than one would normally ask, and you may even feel the growing dependence of the people around you.

Shangrala's Amazing Dream Facts 2
      If a car, plane, ship, train, or any other means of transportation appears in your dream, it is showing you the direction in which your life is going, and how much control you feel you have over the designated route. If you see a certain vehicle in your dream, it symbolizes that you have the power to fulfill your desires and reach the goal you have chosen. Another interpretation that may be appropriate for your situation in life is that the vehicle highlights the obstacles that you think you need to overcome in order to conquer the summit in sight.

Shangrala's Amazing Dream Facts 2
      While most of us would love to have the power to fly, dreaming about flight and the level of success you have in flying attest to the sense of control you have in your life, and symbolize a sense of security and ability to achieve your goals. High flight reflects the best and most euphoric situation, which indicates a great belief in yourself, while low flight close to the ground indicates your fear of failure, which can lead you to great frustration in reality.

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