Welcome come on in. The Creation Museum Planetarium is a highlight of a visit to the museum, and a MUST see presentation.

      John Lynn, our friend from CES, had this to say,
     "We recently went to the Creation Museum outside of Cincinnati, and they do a great job of magnifying GOD by showing the UNBELIEVABLE MAGNITUDE of the universe. I guess astronomers now estimate that there are 200 billion galaxies! Ours alone is beyond our comprehension. And in Gen. 1:16 says, in essence, "Oh yeah, he made the stars also." Like no big deal. HA!"
      "That brings new meaning to Ps. 103:11 -'As the heavens are high above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him.' WOW! All the incomprehensible universe is focused on this terrestrial ball, and all the incomprehensible love and resources of THE CREATOR are focused on each of us little dirtballs, if you will."

      Located just outside the entrance to the planetarium is on old Spitz A3P Star and Planet projector. This projector, built in 1956, was used to train NASA's Mercury Astronauts.
Shangrala's Creation Museum Planetarium

Shangrala's Creation Museum Planetarium

Shangrala's Creation Museum Planetarium

      John cautions us though saying, "The Creation Museum has great stuff refuting Evolution and showing the vastness of the universe, but they are out there about the Creator becoming a man as the only way to save mankind. Also, I'm not sure about the dinosaurs on the ark, as I still lean toward the Gap Theory of Gen. 1:2 - 1:3. I think 2 Pet. 3 about the three "heavens and earths" points toward that.

Here Are Some Beautiful Photos Of
Their Botanical Gardens. Enjoy! :)
Shangrala's Creation Museum Planetarium

Shangrala's Creation Museum Planetarium

Shangrala's Creation Museum Planetarium

Shangrala's Creation Museum Planetarium

Shangrala's Creation Museum Planetarium





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SPECIAL THANKS Goes To JOHN A. LYNN For Sharing This With Us.

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