These Animals Are Showing The Beginnings
Of A Promising Photography Career. Enjoy! :)
Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
Come On, Big Boy! It's my turn!

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
There's a great shot over there!

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
You do realize it's our turn, right?

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
Chip: What part do we need?
Dale: What does this button do Chip?

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
I'm not kidding around, hold still!

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
OK. I get it now. Press that thingy there.

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
I'll get an award for this shot.

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
Give me your best smile...

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
OK - tilt just a little more to the right...

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
I'm getting the hang of this now.

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
Let me do it!

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
When is it going to be our turn?

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
Here, I'll help you.

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
Am I supposed to turn this thing to focus?

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
I need to get a little better angle.

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
Oh, OK. I got it in view now!

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
OK. Say Cheese.

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
These flowers are so pretty!

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
Can you see me now?

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
This should do it.

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
Let me see.

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
Could you all move more together?

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
Wait! Move out of the way, I see the problem.

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
Aww, the perfect shot.

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
Let's see. I press this to...

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
Give me your best smile.

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
I press what button?

Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
OK, I can see you now.

Well, That's Enough!
Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
Oh, Just Go Ahead - I Dare You!
Shangrala's Budding Photographers 3
Share These Smiles With Friends! :)



SEE ALSO: Adorable Animal Selfies!


For those of you who Want More FUN - Visit The Shangy Fun List! Variety is the
spice of life! The Shangy Fun List is an ezine packed full of Poems, Inspirational and
Heart Warming Stories. Jokes from G to slightly R, and Anything else that just
might make you SMILE! Join In The Free FUN!! ... :)

Yes! Click Here To GO TO THE ARCHIVES!-


Like This Page?

If you are looking for more, here are some good places to start:

More Animation!
Police Dogs!-
Pet Helpers!-
Cat In A Box!-
Fearless Animals!-
Lion Cub Rescue!-
Animal Friends 7!-
Begging Squirrels!-
Awww Animals 14!-
Comedy In Nature!-
Peek-A-Boo Panda!-
Pets In Camouflage!-
Animals First Snow!-
Pam Pam The Kitty!-
Big Baby Big Dogs 2!-
Pets Left Home Alone!-
Ricochet The Surf Dog!-
Animals And Windows!-
Baby, It's Cold Outside!-
Look Who's Talking 16!-
Kisses Sweeter Than Honey!-
Incredible Wildlife Photos 5!-
Animals Caught By Surprise!-
Dogs Find Baby Buried Alive!-
Animated A-Z Images!-



Special THANKS Goes To GENIANN For Sharing This With Us.

Copyright © 1996 Netscape Communications Corporation. Mozilla is
a trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation.
Note: This is an Unofficial God, Jesus Christ, Family, & Cartoon Fan Site.
© All graphics representing Disney characters are copyrighted by Disney.
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I do not own any graphics on this site. If you do, please notify me and I'll give
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