Where was Jesus born? Was it in a stable, cave, or a home?
Tradition Develops
An old and familiar part of the Christmas story goes like this: Mary and
Joseph traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem shortly before the birth of
Jesus. [1] The night they arrived in Bethlehem there were no rooms
available in the local inns, and so Joseph and Mary had to make a place
for themselves in a local stable, where Mary gave birth to Jesus and
then laid him in a manger, a feeding trough for the animals.
The picture painted by the above part of the Christmas story is not a
pretty one. It paints a cold and selfish picture of the people of
Bethlehem. Most people of every age and culture go out of their way to
help women in need, but somehow the people of Bethlehem closed their
doors to this young woman about to give birth. Is that really the
picture of the birth of Christ that the Word of God paints for us? We
will see that there is a joyful picture of giving in the Christmas story
that has been hidden from the eyes of many Christians, but which shows
the true heart of Christmas: giving to others from a joyful heart.
The modern Christian understanding of the birth of Jesus comes largely
from extra-biblical works and traditions imported into the Gospels,
rather than the biblical record itself. Much misinformation came from a
document that was widely circulated in the early centuries of the
Christian era. It is referred to by scholars as the Protevangelium of
James, and was likely written in the third century A.D. [2] The
Protevangelium is the first document scholars are aware of that refers
to Jesus being born close to Mary's arrival in Bethlehem, though it says
Jesus was born in a cave before Joseph and Mary even reached Bethlehem.
Sadly, in ancient times as well as today, people seem to pay more
attention to what people say about the Bible than what the Bible itself
We do not know how large a part the Protevangelium played in developing
the tradition that Mary gave birth to Jesus the night she and Joseph
arrived in Bethlehem. However, we do know that the traditional belief
became easier to sustain as the center of Christian culture moved to
Europe, where day-to-day life was quite different from life in
Arrival in Bethlehem
When we read the Bible carefully, even in most English versions, we see
that Joseph and Mary were in Bethlehem for an unspecified number of days
before Mary gave birth.
Luke 2:6 (KJV)
And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were
accomplished that she should be delivered.
It is clear from Luke 2:6 that Joseph and Mary did not arrive in
Bethlehem the night she gave birth, but days earlier. Mary gave birth
'while they [she and Joseph] were there [in Bethlehem],' and the verse
specifically says 'days.' When the word 'days' is used in the plural in
the New Testament, it always refers to 'days' literally or a period of
time. Had Joseph and Mary arrived the day Mary gave birth, the tex
would have used 'day' or 'hours,' not the plural 'days.' New Testament
scholars know this. For example, R. C. H. Lenski writes: 'This [the day
Jesus was born] was not the day of Joseph's and Mary's arrival...' [3]
Nevertheless, as usual, scholarship does not often have the power to
overturn tradition, with its well-entrenched stories, songs, and
If Joseph and Mary had been staying in Bethlehem before Jesus was born,
how is it that they had not found adequate lodging? Why give birth in a
stable and lay Jesus in a manger? Oops, the Bible never says the birth
was in a stable-that is tradition. If for some reason Bethlehem was so
totally filled with guests and visitors that no one would open their
homes to Joseph and Mary, their relatives Zechariah and Elizabeth lived
only a short distance away, in the hill country of Judah (Luke 1:39 -
NASB) [4], and Joseph and Mary could have gone there with only a little
effort. In fact, Mary had visited Elizabeth early in her pregnancy (Luke
1:40). So Joseph and Mary could have found adequate housing and care if
they needed it.
Getting the Story Straight
The story of the night of Christ's birth needs to be retaught and
relearned in Christian circles, not only because truth matters and what
actually happened is important, but because it shows the love and
sacrifice that people make to help each other, and the true joy of
giving so that others may be blessed. That is a much more redemptive
rendition of the Christmas story than townspeople closing their hearts
and shutting their doors to a pregnant woman in need.
In order to see what really happened around the season of the birth of
Christ we will need to glean facts from both the Greek text and the
culture of the ancient Near East (which, by the way, existed in many
parts there until quite recently). Too often the Greek text alone has
been used to try to reveal biblical truth. The Greek text alone is not
enough to rebuild the truth of the biblical events for a very simple
reason: when something in a culture is usual, well known, normal, or
'standard operating procedure,' it is not written about in detail. For
example, if I write a letter to a friend about my months of being with
my son as he recovered from being wounded in battle, I might say, 'I
drove to the hospital every day.' I would never write: 'I went to the
hospital in my car, which is a large metal and plastic mobility device
on wheels, with a gasoline engine that starts when an ignition key is
turned, and I made it move by pedals on the floor, (etc).' It would be
ridiculous to write that. Why? Because everyone in today's culture knows
exactly what I mean when I say 'I drove to the hospital.' Perhaps 2000
years from now, if culture has changed so much that only a few
historians know what a car is, they might wish we described our driving
in more detail, but that is not necessary today. In the same way, things
that were part of the everyday culture of the Bible times were not
described in detail in their writings. We have to learn about the
ordinary things of ancient life by piecing together details from many
texts and writings, by using archaeology to study the material culture
left to us, and by studying any cultures that still live the same way.
What we will see as we examine the biblical record from both the Greek
text and the culture of the times is that Joseph and Mary arrived in
Bethlehem some time before she gave birth and were taken into the home
of a local resident, likely a relative who was also of the family of
David, in whose home Mary gave birth. Although most English versions
have the phrase, 'there was no room for them in the inn,' we will see
that phrase has been both mistranslated and misinterpreted.
Welcomed into a Private Home
Before we look at the mistranslations of 'room' and 'inn,' however, let
us look at some reasons Joseph and Mary could have found a place to
stay. [5] First, Joseph was returning to his town of origin. Historical
memories are long in the Middle East, and family support is very strong.
For example, Paul knew he was a descendant of Benjamin (Phil. 3:5), even
though Benjamin lived more than 1500 years earlier than he did. Given
the long family memories in Hebrew culture, once Joseph told people that
both he and Mary were descendants of families from Bethlehem, many homes
would be open to them. In fact, it is likely that Joseph and Mary
already knew of relatives in Bethlehem and may well have gone to those
homes first to find lodging. As we see the true story of Christ's birth
develop, that seems like a very strong possibility.
Second, not just one, but both Joseph and Mary were 'royals,' because
they were both from the royal line of David. David is so famous in
Bethlehem that it is called, 'the city of David' (Luke 2:4 - KJV). Being
from that famous family would have meant that most homes would open
their doors to them if only for that fact alone. Being able to host a
couple that were direct descendants of David would have been an honor
and privilege.
Third, in every culture women about to give birth are given special
help, and the village of Bethlehem would be no different. The New
Testament scholar Kenneth Bailey, who has spent his life living in the
East and teaching in Universities in Egypt and Lebanon, properly
understands the heart of village life in Palestine and points out that
Joseph and Mary would never have been turned away in their hour of need.
He says: 'Was there no sense of honor in Bethlehem? Surely the community
would have sensed its responsibility to help Joseph find adequate
shelter for Mary and provide the care she needed. To turn away a
descendent of David in the city of David would be an unspeakable shame
to the entire village.' [6]
It is important that we properly understand the record of the birth of
Christ. The night that Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem they were
not rejected by a local hotel that had its 'No Vacancy' sign turned on.
Instead, they were taken into the private home of a caring family, who
let them stay in the family living quarters. This type of giving and joy
of service demonstrates the true meaning of Christmas.
There was No Space in the Guestroom
Let's read, properly translate, and correctly understand what happened
when Jesus was born.
Luke 2:7
and she [Mary] gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him
in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them
in the inn.
The phrase 'no room for them in the inn' is a mistranslation that
continues to support the misunderstanding about the birth of Christ. Two
words we must understand to properly interpret the biblical account are
topos, which most versions translate as 'room,' and kataluma, which most
versions translate as 'inn.' The word topos occurs more than ninety
times in the New Testament. It does not refer to 'a room,' like we think
of a hotel room, or a bedroom, but simply to a place, or a space in a
given area. The text is not saying there was no 'room' for Joseph and
Mary as in the sense of a hotel room, but rather that there was n
'space' for them. Space where? Not in the 'inn,' but in the kataluma.
What is a kataluma? In the Gospel record it is a 'lodging place' or
'guestroom,' not a commercial lodge, or inn. There was no space for
Joseph and Mary in the guestroom because it was already full. It is
noteworthy that even Bauer's Greek-English Lexicon notes that if Luke
2:7 had meant to say 'inn' in the sense of a hotel, there is a better
Greek word that is used elsewhere in Luke. [7]
The normal Greek word for 'inn' is pandocheion, and it refers to a
public house for the reception of strangers (caravansary, khan, inn; we
would say hotel or motel). The word pandocheion was used not only by the
Greeks, but also as a loan-word for 'inn' or a commercial lodging place
in Hebrew, Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, and Turkish. Luke uses the word
pandocheion in the parable of the Good Samaritan when the Samaritan took
the man who was mugged to a public inn (Luke 10:34).
In contrast to the public inn (pandocheion), both Mark and Luke use
kataluma in their Gospels as a 'guest room' in someone's house (Mark
14:14; Luke 22:11). When finding a place to eat the Last Supper with his
disciples, Jesus tells them to say to the owner of the house, 'The
Teacher asks: Where is the guest room [kataluma], where I may eat the
Passover with my disciples?' (Luke 22:11). So in both Mark and Luke, the
kataluma is a guest room in a house, not an inn or hotel.
The gospel of Luke also uses the verb form of kataluma, which is
kataluo, 'to find rest or lodging.' When Zacchaeus the tax collector
brings Jesus home for a meal, the Bible says that Jesus goes 'to be the
guest' [kataluo] at Zacchaeus' house (Luke 19:7). So Luke uses both the
noun kataluma and the verb kataluo to refer to a room in someone's
house. [8] The fact that pandocheion is a better word for 'inn' than
kataluma, along with the fact that Luke used pandocheion for an 'inn'
nd kataluma for a guest room, is very solid evidence that Luke is
telling us the family who took in Joseph and Mary had 'no space' in
their 'guestroom.' Thus the Bible should not be translated to say there
was no room for them in the inn, but rather there was 'no space for them
in the guestroom.' It is noteworthy that Young's Literal Translation of
the Bible, done by Robert Young, the same man who produced Young's
Concordance to the Bible, translates Luke 2:7 as follows: 'there was not
for them a place in the guest-chamber.'
One thing that is left out of the biblical record is why the guest room
was full. Although we will never know for sure, there are a couple
possibilities. First, if Jesus was born when we of Spirit & Truth
Fellowship think he was, the first day of Tishri, it is possible that
Jerusalem and the surrounding region was already experiencing a large
influx of people for the season of the year, because it had the largest
number of sacred days and feasts. The month of Tishri (usually around
our September) had the Feast of Trumpets (Tishri 1), the Day of
Atonement (Tishri 10), and the Feast of Tabernacles (Tishri 15-22), and
anyone who was traveling a very long distance to be at Jerusalem for any
of them might have wanted to be there for the entire festival season.
Also, Luke tells us the reason that Joseph traveled to Bethlehem was due
to Caesar's tax registration (Luke 2:1-4), and it is possible that other
family members besides Joseph had decided to travel to Bethlehem at that
time, when they could both register for the tax and be part of the
celebrations at Jerusalem. [9]
Common Features of an Eastern Life
There are a few things about ordinary houses and ordinary life in first
century Palestine that we must know in order to understand the birth of
Jesus. One is that it was quite common for houses in the Middle East to
have a guest room where guests, and even strangers, could stay. Showing
hospitality to strangers has always been a huge part of Eastern life,
and is written about in the Bible and in many books on the customs of
the Bible. Several biblical records show strangers being given
hospitality, including the record of Lot (Gen. 19:1-4), the man in
Gibeah (Judg. 19:19-21), and the Shunamite woman, who showed hospitality
to Elisha by building a guest room just for him (2 Kings 4:10). Giving
hospitality is a command for Christian leaders as well (1 Tim. 3:2).
Even poor people could have a guest room because it did not have to be
furnished or have an adjoining bathroom and shower. People did not
generally sleep on beds, but traveled with their own blankets that they
slept on at night, so sleeping arrangements were no problem. Tables and
chairs were not used in the common homes of first century Palestinians,
and the bathroom was a pot, or a place outside. So the average guest
room was simply a small, empty room, offering shelter and a place of
safety. The guest room provided privacy for the guests as well as the
family, because one-room homes were common. Our modern houses with many
rooms were simply not the norm in a village of the first century. Quite
often a family lived in a one-room house, in which all family activities
occurred. They pulled their bedrolls out at night and slept on the
floor, and simply rolled them up again in the morning.
Another thing we must understand about houses in the East is that it was
common for people to bring their animals (the family donkey or a couple
of milk goats, for example) into them at night. Such animals were very
valuable, and the people brought them into the home at night to keep
them from being stolen and to protect them from harm. Of course, if the
family were shepherds or herdsmen, they would not bring the whole flock
or herd into the house, but would have a family member or hired guard
watch them in the field.
It was a common practice to raise the floor of the part of the house
where the family lived, and keep the animals in an area that was a
little lower. [10] Knowing this helps us understand Luke 2:6 and also
where that idea that Jesus was born in a stable came from. Jesus was
laid in a manger, which is an open trough, box, or bin, where the animal
food was placed so the animals could feed easily. In Western society,
mangers are in barns or stables, so if Jesus was laid in a manger it
made sense he was born in a stable. However, in Eastern society, where
the animals grazed outside during the day and were brought into the
house at night, the manger was in the house. Thus when the Bible says
that Jesus was laid in a manger 'because' there was no space in the
guest room, any Easterner would understand perfectly that the guest room
was full so Jesus was born in the main part of the house where the
family and animals were, and then safely placed in the manger, which
would have been filled with clean hay or straw and would have been the
perfect size for him. This was not to demean him in any way, but to care
for him. The protective walls of the manger kept him safely guarded and
away from busy feet and a bustling household, as well as warm and
protected from any drafts or cold air in the home.
Another thing that helps us understand the Christmas story is
understanding Eastern hospitality. In the East, guests were given
special treatment of all kinds, including behavior that seems very
extreme to us. For example, in the record of Lot and the two strangers,
Lot would have handed over his own daughters to the mob before
surrendering his guests (Gen. 19:8). Similarly, the people with whom
Joseph and Mary stayed would never displace their guests from the guest
room, but instead would inconvenience themselves, graciously bringing
the couple into their living space.
Another thing we need to know is that Mary and Joseph would not have
been alone when Jesus was born. The women of the household, along with
the women of the family staying in the guestroom, most likely the
village midwife, and perhaps even wise and experienced women from the
neighborhood, would have been present, and would have shooed Joseph and
the rest of the men out of the house some time during Mary's labor
(actually, the men would have graciously left on their own, which was
also standard procedure in that culture). The husband and any sons
(along with Joseph), would have left their own house, spending their
late evening and night hours with other families or just resting out
under the stars, so that Mary would have the privacy she needed during
the birth of Jesus. [11] Of course they would be allowed back in the
house after the baby was born and there had been adequate time to get
things in the house back in proper order and make sure Jesus and Mary
were comfortable.
Baby Jesus would have been born in normal circumstances, with Mary being
helped and cared for by the women around her. Although the Bible does
not mention that there was a midwife and other women present with Mary,
it would be quite unthinkable that they would not be there to help. No
details of the birth would be given in the Bible because births were a
'normal' part of life, and no first-century reader in Palestine would
expect anything different than what usually happens with a village
birth. In fact, if the women of the household had not been there to
help, that would have been so unusual (and seemingly coldhearted) that
it would probably be written about in the Bible. Also, the shepherds who
came to see Jesus knew that he was the promised Messiah. When they found
Joseph, Mary, and their Savior, if they in any way felt that he was not
being treated well, they would have been scandalized and outraged, and
immediately taken them home to their own houses. The fact that they did
no such thing, but rather left the new family where they were and went
to tell the good news to the whole area, indicates they felt Joseph,
Mary, and the baby were being well cared for. [For further study read
Family Life in the Bible.]
The Christmas Story
So we see that the way the birth of Jesus actually happened is
considerably different than what is commonly taught. It is not that
Bethlehem was full of cold-hearted townspeople who would not take
special care of a young woman about to have her first child.
Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem at least a few days before Mary
gave birth, and were taken in by one of the local homes, most likely
that of a relative. The host family already had guests in the kataluma,
the guest room, so there was no space (topos) for them there. Therefore,
the homeowners graciously made room for Joseph and Mary in their own
living quarters, treating them like family. When Mary went into labor,
the men left their own home to give her privacy, and the women of the
household, likely along with the village midwife, came to Mary's side
for help and support. Shortly after Mary gave birth to our Lord and
Savior late in the evening (after sunset) or at night, Joseph and the
men would have been called back into the house to see the new baby boy,
and there would have been much jubilation and revelry, which was always
a traditional part of the birth of a baby boy, particularly if it was a
first child. [12]
Not too long after Jesus was born, he was wrapped in swaddling clothes,
dedicated to God, and placed in a perfect spot, the manger in the family
home, which would have been cleaned and made up with fresh straw. No
doubt the news soon spread around the village that a baby boy had been
born (the music and shouting would have helped that happen), and that
both the mother and baby were doing well, but soon there was to be news
of a different kind. Shepherds showed up from a nearby field and told
the village that a great light had shined around them, that they had
seen an army of angels on the hillsides, and that an angel had told them
that this baby was no ordinary baby, but the Messiah, the Savior. Their
report caused great wonder all over the region, and resulted in glory
and praise to God.
Thus the story of the birth of Christ reveals something that
demonstrates the true spirit of Christmas: people opening their homes
and their hearts, joyfully giving to others in need, and helping where
they can.
2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.
May you, and all those you love,
be so blessed and fortunate
as to stand approved before God,
unashamed of your workmanship.
May God Always Bless You and Yours As
You Stand Steadfast on His Word Of Truth!
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